Yesterday I took out the large plastic container of previously sorted parts and went through the front suspension kit that I bought last year and categorized all the parts by suspension component. I sat at the dining room table and using the MOSS catalog for reference (coupled with my recent disassembly experience) I was able to account for all the components. They are all now neatly bagged and labeled ready to be utilized in the reassembly.
I also spent about an hour or so sitting on the front step (while enjoying a beautiful spring evening) sorting through and cleaning the front suspension nuts,bolts and washers. They are now sitting in a de-rusting solution which should have worked it's magic overnight.
I also made an interesting discovery (while sorting through the container) having come across a few Ziplock bags filled with front suspension hardware from the '57 which will provide me a wonderful opportunity to pick the "best of" the '59. I had originally thought the suspension parts where buried in my shed with the other bits and pieces so the container sort was "bonus time" for sure.
The discard pile is certainly growing. Lots of marginal and worn out parts that will either be recycled or re-bagged. It feels good to be making the determination of what is good and being able to put aside certain parts that will not need to be re-evaluated in the future..
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