A fairly quiet day in the man cave yesterday. I stood at the bench with the front hub clamped in the vice and spent about 30 minutes cleaning and checking out bearing wear. I removed the lug nuts for tumbling at a later date. I cleaned up the metal straps that restrict the rear end travel, located (and cleaned up) the missing front suspension bracket (not sure of the name of the part-it attaches to the frame under the lower wishbone and prevents travel) which had fallen behind my air compressor, did some further clean up the rear brake springs, freed up the plunger that was stuck in the rear brake adjuster and put the parts back into the tumbler for a couple of hours..they came out looking clean and shiny and squirted another coat of paint on the front shocks. Most of the work was done in short segments so I made numerous trips to the garage during the course of the day.
I was watching a bit of the Search and Restore program on Speed Vision on Saturday morning and one of the segments talked about the painting of the numerous parts to be time consuming. I can understand the observation for sure. The good thing is the painting of small parts allows for a short duration visit to the garage that can be fitted in nearly anytime of the day or evening which means some flexibility in when I head out....I really have to make sure that TV does not trump working on painting Triumph parts!!!
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