Saturday, December 15, 2012

Out into the Shed

Time in the great outdoors: 1 hour

There was a break in our winter weather yesterday (higher temperature) that allowed me to venture outside and sift through my shed for the oil filter head that I had mistakenly thought I didn't need when I bought my spin on filter adapter from Moss Motors. (I didn't read the instructions first-left them in the box until very recently)...I figured the part was in one of the Rubbermaid tubs I have stored. Unfortunately the extraction required the moving of a number of items including my table saw which is heavy and cumbersome....about 45 minutes later I came to the realization the part was not where I anticipated it was! step was to move over to my other shed-which is much more accessible but still required the moving off my lawn mower and assorted "stuff" to extract a box of spare parts I had put aside for later sale...the head was is now in my garage awaiting clean up and reinstallation.

I delivered one of my "straightened" spare wheels down to the powder coater for refinishing. I need to change over one of the wheels on the chassis which is not an OEM issue which has slots verses the round holes of the original wheels. The tire will need to be moved over. One of the things on my list of tasks...

My parts are in...with the exception of the shock absorber mounting rubbers which are on back order....

Some activity this week but no "wrench turning" as such...

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