Project Plan
1957 Triumph Tr3 Rat Rod
Phase 1 of the ’57 Triumph Project: to December 15,2014
Complete the 57 to engine start up . Get parts painted in October2014 and installed where it makes sense through the balance of 2014….Move the car outside for the winter-EARLY DECEMBER IS PREFERABLE. Intent is to move it out at whatever stage of completion. Tarp to be installed and vehicle winterized. Potential engine/trans may not be serviceable. Would need to change focus on drivetrain if this is the case.
Make sure the car is appraised and insured before doing so.
The rat rod will be the main focus during October 2014. Intent is to keep expenditures low through the balance of the project.Scrounging parts etc. Focus on “coolness” without excess.
Phase 11 of the build starts in May 2015 with a focus during the winter of 2015 to locate missing components such as a gas tank, rad test and painting , windshield, etc etc.
1959 Triumph
Phase 1 “goal” of the ’59 Triumph project is to body mounting on the assembled but not completed chassis before April 15th.Classified as a “the” winter project. Includes chassis build up but potentially not hydraulics or front brakes, brake lines , shocks etc..(long list) but to rolling chassis status.Includes the Moss Rack and Pinion etc… Expenditures to be kept to a bare minimum through the winter. Look at the potential of utilizing the “spare” rear brake parts etc…..List to be compiled in the winter outlying what needs to be purchased. Body will not be permanently mounted on chassis. Intention is to refurbish the1957 engine to operating status and start it up before April 2015. A starter motor might be a required purchase… Once again focusing on component check out and installation where applicable and to use all existing parts before any new components are purchase. Note: both engines check out then the ’57 will be swapped back into the rat rod... If only one works out then an engine transplant on the ’57 will be considered. At least explored.
Phase 11 of the project is the body work and final paint which will commence in mid May 2015. Funds to be put aside for the project through the course of the winter. Intention is to undertake the body work during the summer months inside the garage. Budget estimate is around $1000.00?
Once the body work is completed focus will turn back to the procuring the required component pcs.
1957 deficiency list
Gas tank
Steering column
Side curtains
Need to further exploration on the status of the parts in the partsbins and fasteners? Is there anything to sell? i.e. the moss side rail, steering box etc.
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