To start off I spent an hour or so going through my bodywork supplies trying to determine what is useful and what wasn't. My sandpaper tote (a recycled electric drill case) has broken clasps which make its' usefulness questionable. I contemplated throwing it out but quickly came to realization it was very fit for purpose size wise and that I could probably pick up some new clasps at Home Depot and fix it vrs throwing it into the landfill. So that is one of the tasks I am going to do today. I have also discarded some dated and defective spray paint cans. A trip to the dump will be in order as they will need to be disposed of as hazardous waste.
The other issue I am dealing with is "stuff" stored in the garage that is restricting my working space. I have ignored this intrusion over the summer months but now realize with the coming cold weather that I will need as much room as I can get to move around the garage with the door closed so the "useless" stored items will need to be addressed today.Bicycle storage is another issue as the bikes take up a fair amount of room hung from the ceiling. So I moved them out into my camper van for winter storage. Today I also need to install the casters I bought over a year ago to attach to my table saw so it is easy to move. The table saw also takes up a fair amount of room and can be moved to my storage shed until I need it again. Upon examination yesterday I realized about 25% of what is stored in my garage does not need to be there. Moving it out will free up a considerable amount of space.
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