Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Triumph TR3 - Back into the Garage-Finally

Last night after work I had a short nap and then headed out into the garage for a couple of hours. It was another cold evening (we still have snow on the ground) so I bundled up and worked with the garage door open and used my imagination of what it would be like to be working on a warm summer night. All in all it wasn't too bad an experience-really grateful to have the opportunity to actually do something car wise.......I needed to have the door open in order to have access to the box of my truck where I was loading in parts (front suspension mainly) to be media blasted.

The focus of the evening was on parts sorting and garage clean up. I actually got to a point(again) where I could hardly move in my space-lots of clutter (mainly fenders and such) and tools everywhere. Once again I needed to regroup and get things in order...

I also spent some time on the internet looking at alternate wiring harness suppliers. I have a new peer at work who seems to be a top tier gear-head well connected in the local hot rod scene who recommended some alternate sources. I have checked out Mr Roadster and Rebel brands.

I am now two weeks behind in my new proposed schedule (once again other distractions have hit the radar but also a healthy dose of inertia settled in which I am struggling to overcome). More discipline is certainly needed to focus on the project if I am going to make my deadlines...the clean up is going to help restore some enthusiasm-the last few weeks have certainly been low energy for the most part...I blame it on the unseasonably cold weather-it certainly seems to be impacting others as well.....

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