Thursday, May 24, 2012

Rack and Pinion/Critical Path

Last week  I had an opportunity to discuss the rack and pinion installation with Moss Motors. Their installation has about 1/8 of an inch clearance on the steering shaft yoke which is not a huge tolerance in my opinion. I am surprised given the year of the car that the British manufacturer of the part would consider frame fabrication to be so consistent that a 1/8" tolerance would be acceptable???  We talked at length about options including the return of the assembly for a credit etc. I want to stay on course and install the assembly so I am going to proceed with the frame straightening in the next few weeks. If the unit still does not clear properly I will need to "engineer" a modification to the mounting plate (moving the rack and pinion further to the left but drilling new holes for the u-bolts and reinforcing the plate in some fashion) so the yoke clears and/or switch out the yoke for an aftermarket yoke with a smaller diameter. I work with mechanical engineers so I will sit down with one and have them check out what I am doing to ensure the mounting plate still has integrity. I have to admit this setback has impacted my enthusiasm somewhat but I know I have to get back to the build and turn some wrenches soon.

This week I have been brainstorming about what my next steps might be? Based on my considerations I think I will move to painting the underside of the body and engine compartment while the frame is out for straightening. The weather is warmer and more conducive to this activity and I really need to get it done as it is a bit of a bottleneck to moving the build forward.

I have put the '57 tub, fenders etc up for sale-no inquires yet...

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