Thursday, February 6, 2014

Parts Cleaning Continues

Time in Garage: 1 hr

Spent some time yesterday polishing up the thermostat housings. I have decided not to paint them -just keep them in their natural finish. They look good buffed up.

I had plans of spending more time in the garage yesterday but I couldn't muster enough energy or enthusiasm to do so. Interestingly I feel "guilty" keeping the garage warm if I am not going to be out there working.

I experienced some feelings of dispair yesterday when I surveyed all the work that is left to do to get my TR3 to a driveable state. I know I need to keep my head down and keep going one task at a time and not get discouraged. It is turning out to be very much a "mental game" to keep myself motivated and focused.

Right now I have few external distractions to deal with. I am not doing any contract work outside the home so I have large blocks of time at my disposal. What I have decided to do is to keep a sheet of paper available to me when I enter the garage to record my start and finish time and what I am focused on. I have also set an intent to work 1 hour then take a break to a maximum of 4 hours a day. I am very cogniscent of not turning my hobby into an obligation and/or burden by making sure I don't deplete my energies focused on the car and not on other activities I might pursue to boost my energy levels.

While on vacaation, I decided I am going to draft up a car restoration project guide to provide a basis for others when they contemplate taking on a car restoration project. I think there is a lot to consider before embarking and there would be value added by me doing so!

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