Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Rework Pending

Time in Garage: 3.5 hours

First thing yesterday I determined to clean up my master cylinder mounting box and remove the bracket that holds the resevior for the master cylinders. I did this based on my decision to incorporate TR4 brake and clutch master cylinders with built in reseviors. I drilled out the spot welds and pryed off the bracket, sanded down the box and decided to trial fit the master cylinders before applying a coat of paint. To my amazement the master cylinders interfered with each other making it impossible to remove the caps to add brake fluid etc. Upon this discovery, I scratched my head trying to determine where the "recommendation" to use TR4 cylinders came from? I sent out an e-mail to Drakes, my parts supplier and he responded promptly questioning my desire to utilize the TR4 components? In the meantime I sent out a second e-mail to the author of the Toyota brake conversion to get his take on my dilemma. He too responded quickly indicating I should utilize the standard TR3 components. A second e-mail came in from Drakes indicating I could position the TR4 components differently by changing the mounting bolt holes in the box to offset the cylinders but they did not recommend I do this and reinforced the idea of reverting back to the original TR3 components based on the fact the cylinder bores were the same. I checked with Drakes and they indicated I could return the TR4 components to exchange if I could reference the orignial invoice number and still had the packaging. Which I do. Based on my removing of the bracket I am now going to have to get it rewelded back on so I can incorporate the resevoir. REWORK. I spent some time yesterday trying to determine the origin of the idea to use TR4 components and based on the amount of time that has passed since I ordered the master cylinders  (a couple of years) I have no recollection and no paper trail.

I assembled the painted water pump components and related gaskets and bolt. The paper water pump gasket is very dried out and cracked when I removed it from the package. I am thinking I can utilized a form a gasket to seal up the area and still utilize the supplied gasket? Not sure yet?

The rest of the time was spend cleaning up components and making a pile of items to get sandblasted. (seat rails etc)

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