Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 27,2010 Garage Clean Up

The 27th of February TR3 activity consisted of a couple of hours of garage clean up so I could move the '59 back into the garage. The tarp and car cover had lots of snow and ice built up on it which translated into some extra effort on my part to extract the sleeping Triumph from it's outdoor parking spot into the warm garage. It also took a fair amount of physical effort to move the car. I almost gave up at one point but I persevered and finally moved the beast into the garage by attaching a chain to the front of the chassis and pulling the car (from inside the garage) verses trying to push it on the snow and ice covered driveway. I came very close to approaching a neighbor for assistance but it turned out to be unnecessary.

I also installed the garage door sealing strips to stop drafts from entering the garage from the outside. I removed them a few years ago when I repainted the front door trim and never reinstalled them. I think this will increase the efficiency of the unit heater somewhat.

Once the car was in the garage I surveyed the work that needs to be done. I reviewed my white board and crossed off the completed tasks and reconfirmed my critical path as still being viable. I also determined (99% sure) I am going to remove the body from the chassis to allow access to the bottom of the car for painting of the underside and also repair of the back panel around the spare tire holder.. The reason I am going to do this is I think it will be straight forward lift at this point as a majority of the bolts have been replaced when the new floor was put in and as such they should be easy to remove plus I have to disassemble the steering in order to install the rack and pinion assembly leaving a few electrical disconnects and of course the brake lines etc. I am not going to do this until I get the rest of the body panels repaired and in primer including the interior and trunk areas. I want to to make sure all the tasks are complete before additional disassembly happens.

The issue of what to do chassis wise is still out there?? I am leaning towards using the powder coated '57 chassis and reassembling the front suspension using the Moss Motors rebuild kit then transferring the engine/transmission and rear end over from the 59. The engine is going to be repainted black with the pan being pulled and a new gasket installed. Of course the transmission will need to be separated so the clutch can be checked and the new throw out bearing installed. I am keeping my fingers crossed the clutch pressure plate and disc will not need to be replaced at this point.

A good day in the garage with lots of daydreaming taking place. I continue the project with resolve and focus and hopefully I can follow a path of least resistance and get the car back on the road in the summer. I am enjoying the process so far.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Out of the Snowy Driveway and Back Into the Garage

Today I move the '59 back into my heated garage. This is a pivotal moment in my critical path as I start to fit the repaired panels back onto the body to check for fit. There is still lots to do but this event should provide me with a much needed motivational boost.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A New Year-Warm and Comfortable

Last week I finally got my garage unit heater inspected and commissioned which is a giant step forward on the Triumph project critical path!!!. The installation took about 6 weeks longer than originally envisioned but what can one say when your son is doing the work for free (he is a journeyman sheet metal worker) and it had to fit it in as an "extra" in his very busy schedule..

I have spent some quality hours working in a comfortable environment...I have to love that...