Monday, February 18, 2013

Deep in Thought-Project Execution

For the last 3 weeks I have been a home handyman-my spare time totally focused on my daughter's kitchen renovation with no progress being made on the Triumph. This time, last year I was out in the garage almost daily working on my car. Once again I am experiencing conflicting priorities and compromise with respect to my project completion deadline.

Last week has been interesting from the perspective 3 people have asked my about my project? Totally unsolicitied enquiries which really got me thinking about the bigger picture with respect to how I approach working on the Triumph.

The "rub" for me is the project has now gone on too long to complete...taking it out of the category of hobby and pleasurable spare time pursuit into the realm of aggravation and disappointment with the unfinished state. A dangerous place to be in the overall scheme of things....

When people ask me how things are going I now become defensive and offer up excuses for non-completion and lately, a lack of progress....the other issue than causes me grief is my garage is not accessible for other endeavors based on the car being dismantled and not moveable.

The internal dialog continues......