Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bead Blasting

Time in Garage: 30 mins (Comercial Bead Blast Cabinet)

Amount spent: $31.82

Today I stopped in at my local coater and rented their bead blasting cabinet for 30 mins and cleaned off a small tub of misc parts which included the battery hold down bracket, water pump pulley, hangers for the exhaust system, seat adjusting rails and the gas pedal assembly. Included were some other small parts. It was money well spent.

The weather has caved in again in my region. Unseasonably cold weather with lots of snow. A bit discouraging as this the time I want to be painting parts for reassembly. I plan to venture out to the garage later on today.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Starter Motor Clean Up and Paint

Time in Garage: 2 hours

I ventured out into the garage yesterday and spent a couple of hours cleaning up and painting the starter motor. I opened up the inspection ports and looked at the condition of the internals. In an ideal world the starter should probably be sent out for a rebuild or a new high torque version purchased and installed but for now I am going to reinstall it. I think there is some life left in it and I will monitor performance as I go. When I started the engine a few years ago the starter worked fine. At least it will look nice for the reassembly.

I spent about an hour a few nights ago figuring out the parts cost for the front end rebuild on the spare chassis. Still daydreaming a bit about a '57 rat rod.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Time in garage: about 2 hours total

The weather on the weekend was very spring like which encouraged me to get out into the garage and get some painting done.

I dropped in and out of the garage yesterday painting the driveshaft with gloss black enamel and the repaired heat shield for the carbs. I also touched up the exhaust system where there was no paint. I would go back and forth in 20 minute intervals throughout the day. I set up my radiant portable heater to keep the parts warm while the paint dried. I like what I see. Important next steps.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Saturday Work

Time in Garage: 2-12 hours

Sorted through 4 containers of parts looking for the brake line hold down clamps. Not located yet but I am optimistic they will turn up. In my wisdom I decided I am getting tired of sifting through the same parts when I look for something so I took the time to mount the parts I will need in the next while to the support beam above my bench. Some of the parts are in bags, others coiled up etc. This makes perfect sense to do as it frees up storage bins and makes the parts more accessible.  I consolidated some sanding supplies and generally cleaned up. I painted the exhaust down pipe. It was a nice winter day yesterday and the activity made sense temperature wise.

I listened to the blues being streamed through Songza on my I-phone. Really enjoyed the background tunes as I worked away.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Brake Lines

Time in Garage: 1-1/2 hours

Yesterday I reran and attached the rear axle brake lines.  Prior to doing the work I downloaded photographs off the internet that provided some good reference material. Ah, the joys of being able to go on line and look up solutions to problems! The tie down straps have been put away in a different box that I was unable to locate so I am unable to finish off the job.

Earlier in the week I had some "interesting" conversations with colleagues about the project . Many of whom have extensive project management experience and projects of their own so I respect their opinions. They have provided a lot of encouragement which is very much appreciated. I have to stay focused on a little bit of work each day and keep the project moving along. I am encouraged the boxes of parts are getting used up which is a boost to my enthusiasm.

The weather here has been brutally cold for the last 3 or 4 days.  My physical "energy level" has been low and I associate that with a natural tendency to want to hibernate when it is so cold. I am visualizing the reuniting of the body to the chassis and the installation of the engine and transmission. Once these task are finished I will feel a sense of accomplishment. Of course warmer weather is needed in order to move my camper van down the driveway to move the Triumph out of the garage to install the engine. Fingers crossed the weather will warm up soon!