Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Triumph TR3-Regroup in the Garage

Today I ventured back out in the garage (after a few days away due to extremely cold temperatures) and cleaned up tools and generally brought order back into the space. The rear bumper bolt sheared off even though I had applied liberal amounts of WD-40 a few days prior-but in the overall scheme of things it was "just fine" to have it happen as I was able to remove the shaft from the housing. Total time to do all this: approx 1-1/2 hours.

In my haste to leave home last week I accidently left my panel adhesive in the trunk of the car (after I turned the furnace off) but checking with the manufacturer (the 1-800 number worked real well) I was assured no damage would be done as the material as it would not freeze but it is important to bring it back to room temperature which I have done...

I then decided to sort through a couple of plastic tubs that are full of purchased parts just to "jog" my memory as to what I have purchased over the past few years. I have been buying parts when extra money becomes available (mainly generated through my E-Bay sales) so it was good to recap in my mind what was there. I also updated the white board on the garage wall with "needed" items.

I also checked into air compressor capacity to run my small bench bead blaster (bought for a deep discount in 2009). It appears my Sears Craftsman compressor unit is too small (I had done some experimenting earlier) and to get something suitable would be in the $600-800 range so the guy I was talking to at the compressor supplier suggested I rent a gasoline powered one to do the work I need done. I also found out I can rent a bead blaster cabinet for $1.00 per minute at a local shop. I wanted to bead blast/sand blast the suspension components prior to repaint so I have a couple of options to consider. Another item that needed to be addressed on the long "to do" list...

"All in All a Good Day"....

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